Construction News

14 March 2025

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CRASH appeals for no Christmas cards

22 Oct 15 CRASH, the construction industry charity for homeless people, is once again appealing for companies to do good instead of sending out Christmas cards this year.

CRASH is asking companies to donate their full Christmas card budget to help homeless people. The money raised will enable the charity to construct and renovate emergency night shelters, hostels, day centres, hospices and move-on accommodation, providing refuge for people in need.

CRASH patrons 8Build, Bauder, Carillion, Hilti, A-Plant, Knauf and Volkerfitzpatrick have already pledged their support.

In return for donations, companies get a personalised e-Christmas card with their logo on it and publicity through the charity's 'Thank you' advertisements in the trade press.

This year, more than 60 projects have benefitted from CRASH's provision of professional advice, donated and discounted materials and cash grants, including Emmaus Communities, Kairos Community Trust, Winchester Churches Nightshelter and Saint Vincent de Paul, Newcastle.

Make a pledge to the CRASH 2015 No Christmas Card Appeal, complete the online form at or email

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