Planning Leads
9 Flats
Published on 16/11/2024
Outline application (seeking approval of access and layout) for the demolition of existing car dealership, workshop and 2no. flats and the erection of a two storey building providing 9no. residential units. Provision of car…
Location | Oxford |
Value | £1,000,000 - £1,500,000 |
Item | Description |
Type | Outline Application |
Address | 300 Abingdon Road Oxford Oxfordshire OX1 4TE (map) |
Client | Mr Mark Avery, 300 Abingdon Road, Oxford , OX1 4TE |
Agent | Mike Gilbert Planning Ltd, Mr Michael Gilbert, 62 Broadmarsh Lane, Freeland, Witney, OX29 8QR, 07974 294463 |