Construction News

13 March 2025

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Construction industry road traffic up 34% in a month

23 Jul 20 Data supplied by a fuel card supplier show the extent to which the construction industry is getting back to its pre-Covid normal working state.

Customer data analysis by Allstar Business Solutions reveals that an estimated 43 million extra miles were travelled by construction business on the roads in June compared to May – up by more than a third (34.3%) month-on-month.

Specialised construction activities (e.g. bricklaying, scaffolding) have witnessed the strongest bounce back to date (up 39.4% in June), followed by civil engineering (30.2%) and construction of buildings (29.1%).

Tracking the recovery from a baseline during ‘peak lockdown’ (week commencing 6th April 2020), the analysis reflects the easing of lockdown measures in mid-May, when the government launched its return to work ‘Covid-19 Secure’ guidance, and 15th June, when non-essential retailers reopened.

Across all sectors, fuel consumption has risen 109% between w/c 6th April and w/c 29th June. For the construction industry, fuel consumption increased by 127% between these two periods.

Allstar said that increased vehicle use across the construction industry could be attributed not just to more projects starting or resuming but also to firms following guidance to avoid public transport and drive solo to work.

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