The contract involves the construction of a section of the S61 dual carriageway expressway from the Kolno junction to the Stawiski junction.
Cheapest of the bids was one from Strabag at PLN288.32m, though Budimex’s bid was almost the same, at PLN288.55m. Highest of the bids was the one from the PBDiM consortium, which was PLN467m.
However, the contract will not be awarded on price alone. This is the first tender the directorate has offered using a new formula, where the price is accorded 60 points, and the remaining 40 are earned from other criteria such as contract duration and anti-slip properties of the surfacing. The client said that it will examine all the proposals and evaluate them in the shortest possible time before choosing the most advantageous offer. The aim is to sign the contract this year.
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