The 940cfm, 12bar compressors have, at the client’s request, been supplied in non-branded livery and fitted out with an integral after-cooler, air intakes shut-down and spark arrestors. They have also had their wheels removed for added security.
In addition, the client has opted for a Tier 3b system as opposed to the standard Tier 4 sets, as their final destination is not yet governed by these emission regulations. GenieAir UK said that this still provides excellent emission results.
“We have a range of compressors ready to hire just about anywhere in the world and this order was assembled and made ready to the exact client’s requirements in a very short space of time," said GenAir UK managing director David Timmins. "We are committed to providing a flexible and reliable service to all users of compressed air machinery here in the UK and further afield.”
GenAir UK, which has its head office in the heart of the West Midlands, specialises in the rental of air compressors, desiccant dryers and associated equipment.
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