Construction News

08 January 2025

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Grainger chosen to develop Aldershot Garrison

23 Feb 11 Defence Estates (DE) has selected Grainger as the developer for 4,500 homes and community facilities on surplus military land in Aldershot, Hampshire.

DE and the Homes & Communities Agency (HCA) have worked together to appoint Grainger to redevelop the 148ha Aldershot Urban Extension (AUE) site in Hampshire, one of the largest brownfield sites in the southeast.

Grainger will regenerate the land at Aldershot Garrison to create a mixed-use residential scheme of around 4,500 homes together with community facilities, schools, local centres and leisure facilities.

Work will include the restoration and conversion of the historic Cambridge Military Hospital building and will now work towards achieving planning.

As Aldershot is the home of the British Army, much of the operational military estate will be retained.

Wendy Ivess-Mash, DE’s deputy head of land management services, said: “Defence Estates' top priority is to support our armed forces, by ensuring that we have an affordable and sustainable military estate that gives our services personnel the best possible facilities in which to live, work and train.

“Where land is no longer needed for military purposes, it is our responsibility to dispose of that real estate effectively, so that proceeds can be re-invested in defence priorities and local communities benefit from regeneration opportunities.  We have worked closely with the Homes & Communities Agency in the appointment of Grainger as the development partner to ensure that these two aspects are in balance.
“Creating new homes and community facilities on surplus MoD land at Aldershot Garrison will provide a welcome boost in housing for local people, whilst making good use of brownfield land.”

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HCA executive director Colin Molton said: “Defence Estates and the HCA have secured the best deal for the community and the taxpayer. We are setting high standards for Grainger, which will deliver well designed, sustainable new and affordable homes for residents in Aldershot. I look forward to taking the next steps with our partners to transform the land at Aldershot Garrison into a new and thriving development.”

DE manages all of the Ministry of Defence’s land and is selling part of the estate after a planned restructure and consolidation to meet military operating needs.

The new development will take into account the heritage features and listed buildings, such as the Cambridge Military Hospital, and ensure that the development is delivered to meet the expectations set out in the supplementary planning document (SPD).

Rushmoor Borough Council adopted the AUE SPD in March 2009 which sets out the guidelines for the development to ensure quality homes in a sustainable and energy efficient environment, where people want to live and work. The principles of the SPD built on the finding of the Enquiry by Design which took place in 2005.

Grainger was one of three shortlisted bidders in a competitive tendering process.

Grainger chief executive Andrew Cunningham said: “Aldershot is an extremely exciting opportunity and we are delighted to have been selected… Being selected to undertake this large scale project reinforces our position as the UK’s largest specialist residential property owner and manager and endorses our track record of delivering long term community-focused projects.”

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