Construction News

23 March 2025

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HSE seeks support for CDM research

22 Feb 21 The Health & Safety Executive is urging all those that have a CDM 2015 principal designer role to take part in a survey to see how the new regime is working out.

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 set out the duties of a principal designer, defined as the organisation or individual (appointed by the client to take control of the pre-construction phase of any project involving more than one contractor.

The HSE gas commissioned research to see how the legislation is working in practice and wants the construction industry to get involved by completing an online survey.

HSE has appointed MPW R&R undertake this research.

 The survey is seeking the views of organisations and individuals that have experience of the principal designer (PD) role either by:

  • being appointed as a PD;
  • being appointed as one of the other CDM 2015 duty holders (client, designer, principal contractor or contractor); or
  • working on or interacting with construction projects where a PD was appointed.

Survey questions will ask how the PD role is being implemented, to broaden understanding of the benefits of the role as well as the challenges of implementing it.

The survey can be found at until Friday 5th March.  HSE says that it should take around 30 minutes to complete.

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