The consultation, which runs until 9th March 2018, seeks views on four alternative alignments for a new crossing to Anglesey, with one option being to widen the existing Britannia Bridge.
The aim is to select a preferred route in summer 2018 and start construction by the end of 2020.
The four options under consideration are:
- Red option: A new bridge directly to the west of Britannia Bridge; improvements at A55 Junction 8A.
- Pink option: Widening of Britannia Bridge / new bridge immediately east of existing bridge to provide extra traffic lanes; improvements at A55 Junction 8A.
- Orange option: A new bridge directly to the east of Britannia Bridge; improvements at A55 Junction 8A.

- Purple option: a new bridge further to the east of Britannia Bridge; improvements at A55 Junctions 8 and 8A.
The £3m design and development stage of the third crossing is part of the two-year budget agreed by the Welsh government and Plaid Cymru.
Economy and transport secretary Ken Skates said: “I am absolutely committed to the development of a third Menai crossing which will bring many benefits to the area including addressing congestion on the existing Britannia Bridge and ensuring our road network is ready for major projects such as Wylfa Newydd.”
He added: “The third Menai crossing is an imperative part of our plans to improve capacity, reliability and journey times as well as strengthen the network’s resilience. We are aiming to start construction by the end of 2020.”
Further details of the proposals, public exhibitions and how to share your views can be found at:
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