Procure Partnerships Framework Ltd, a privately-owned procurement agency based in Liverpool, has been operating a national contractor framework for the past four years, which has been used for more than 400 construction projects.
The second iteration of the Procure Partnerships (National Contractor) Framework covers four disciplines: construction, infrastructure, decarbonisation & retrofit, and site clearance & demolition. Each category is subdivided into nine region and five value bands. Total value is put at £8bn.
The contracting authority for the framework is Alder Hey Children's Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
It goes live on 1st November 0223 and expires on 31st October 2027.
Framework director Robbie Blackhurst said: "With over £1bn projects delivered across the UK year on year, our national presence – as well as our extensive experience in both procurement and technical project delivery – means we can always move quickly to meet the needs of our clients.
"The next iteration of the framework will see an added three disciplines; decarbonisation and retrofit, demolition and site preparation, and Infrastructure, with specialist contractors assigned to each.
"We have expanded our portfolio to cater to the growing needs of the industry whilst ensuring clients have access to the right contractors for their projects, whether that be regional small to medium-sized enterprises, or larger national delivery contractors."
The selected contractors for each lot are:
- Aptus Construction
- Ascot Services UK
- Ash Contracting
- Axis Europe plc
- BAM Construction
- Borras Construction
- Bowmer & Kirkland
- Britcon (UK)
- Burmor Construction
- Buxton Building Contractors
- Caddick Construction
- Carmelcrest
- Code Building Solutions
- Compass Developments (NE)
- Conamar Building Services
- Concept Interiors Management
- CR Reynolds
- Encon Construction
- Esh Construction
- Etec Contract Services
- EW Beard
- F Parkinson
- G F Tomlinson Building
- Galliford Try Construction
- Geoffrey Osborne ,
- GMI Construction Group Plc
- Graham Facilities Management
- Harris Bros & Collard
- Henry Boot Construction
- Hutton Construction
- Inivos t/a Health Spaces
- John Graham Construction
- Key Construction (Midlands)
- Kier Construction
- Marcon Construction
- McLaren Construction
- Morris & Spottiswood
- Neilcott Construction
- Overbury Plc
- P Casey & Co
- PGR Group
- Quinn (London)
- Re-Gen (UK) Construction
- Resolution Interiors
- Robertson Construction
- Seddon Construction
- SEH French
- Sewell Construction
- Speller Metcalfe Malvern
- Stepnell
- TClarke Contracting
- Thomas Sinden
- Tilbury Douglas Construction
- Vinci Construction UK
- VolkerFitzpatrick
- Walter West Builders
- Wates Construction
- Willmott Dixon
Decarbonisation and Retrofit
- Ascot Services UK
- Axis Europe PLC
- Burmor Construction
- Carmelcrest
- Code Building Solutions
- Conamar Building Services
- Enable Infrastructure
- Etec Contract Services
- F Parkinson
- Graham Facilities Management
- Higgins Partnerships
- Hutton Construction
- Integral UK
- Kind & Company (Builders)
- Morris & Spottiswood
- NG Bailey
- Opus Building Services
- P Casey & Casey Co
- Saltash Enterprises
- Seddon Construction
- Sewell Construction
- Speller Metcalfe Malvern
- Stepnell
- TClarke Contracting
- Thomas Sinden
- Tilbury Douglas Construction
- Triton Construction
- Vinci Construction UK
- Wates Construction
- Willmott Dixon
Demolition and Site Preparation
- A Buckler (Haulage)
- AR Demolition
- Cawarden Co
- Cheetham Hill Construction
- City Demolition Contractors (Birmingham)
- DSM Demolition
- J Freeley
- O’Connell Contracting
- PP O’Connor Group
- Tom Prichard Contracting
- Rhodar Industrial Services
- VHE Construction
- Bethell Construction
- Britcon (UK)
- CR Reynolds
- Danaher & Walsh (Civil Engineering)
- Enable Infrastructure
- Eric Wright Civil Engineering
- Galliford Try Construction
- John Graham Construction
- John Sisk & Son
- Keltbray Highways
- McLaughlin & Harvey
- Milestone Infrastructure
- O’Connell Contracting
- P Casey (Land Reclamation)
- PP O’Connor Group
- PGR Group
- Tom Prichard Contracting
- Stepnell
- Tilbury Douglas Construction
- VolkerFitzpatrick
- Winvic Construction
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