Zip-Splice+ is a heavy-duty splicing system designed for joining rebar piling cages. It offers quick and easy installation, the manufacturer claims, and eliminates the need for operatives to put their hands inside the cage during installation.
Each Splice+ connector features a dual-channel locking device, manufactured using a one-piece injection moulded zinc-alloy body, housed within a steel bracket, and a length of wire rope. Each system is supplied with three connectors that are used to join pile cage sections together when positioned around the splicing bands found at both their upper and lower ends.
The system is designed to fit with spliced piling cages and is adjustable to suit 50 mm, 60 mm and 80 mm bands. The system has been proof-tested for loads in excess of 1,700 kg.
Zip-Splice+ is manufactured by Zip-Clip, a wire rope suspension and bracing specialist based in Wales, and developed in partnership with ArcelorMittal Construction Solutions (AMCS). AMCS is the sole UK distributor.

AMCS operations manager Matt Brooks said: “Zip-Splice+ is the successful result of a practical collaboration that brought together the wide experience of a reinforcement fabricator with the innovation of an industry specialist. It offers a solution that increases both safety and efficiency.”
Steve Goldsworthy, joint chief executive of Zip-Clip, said: “We welcomed the opportunity to work in close partnership with specialist reinforcement fabricator AMSC on this project. It allowed us to harness the expertise of both businesses, with one key objective, to solve an inherent problem in the piling industry experienced when installing reinforcement cages. Health & safety is critical on any project and this innovative solution safeguards operatives as well as offering the added benefit of increased installation efficiency. Zip-Splice+ will enhance the benefits of using prefabricated pile cages right across the reinforcement sector.”
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