Both are for the Nouvelle Route du Littoral coastal highway. One of the two contracts, led by Vinci, involves building France’s longest offshore viaduct and the other, which is led by Colas, is for a 3.6km causeway and an interchange.
The project that includes the 5.4km viaduct will be built by a consortium of Vinci Construction subsidiaries led by Vinci Construction Grands Projets. The other team members are Dodin Campenon Bernard, Bouygues Construction subsidiary Bouygues Travaux Publics and Demathieu Bard.
The offshore viaduct will connect Saint Denis - the administrative capital of La Réunion - with La Grande Chaloupe. The new offshore coastal highway will replace the existing coastal road between Saint Denis and La Possession, which is exposed to falling rocks and flooding by swells and tropical storms. Work on the €715 million viaduct will be completed in 2018. The solution put forward by the consortium involves prefabricating 95% of the structures on land.
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Work has also begun on a €530m dyke and interchange at La Possession as part of the same road scheme. The work will be carried out by a consortium including Colas’ Reunion-based company GTOI, which is project leader (60%), SBTPC, a Vinci Construction Reunion Island subsidiary and Vinci Construction Terrassement.
The two packages involve the construction of four sections of a 3,600m-long, six-lane causeway coastal road between La Grande-Chaloupe and La Possession as well as the construction of an interchange at La Possession. The roadway dyke has been designed to withstand the physical constraints of coastal construction, especially 100-year flood waves. The project is also scheduled for completion in 2018.
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