Construction News

26 March 2025

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Work starts on Worcester’s new arts centre

21 Jan Speller Metcalfe has moved on site to start work on Worcester’s new £10m arts centre.

Stakeholders assemble to celebrate start of work
Stakeholders assemble to celebrate start of work

A new arts and entertainment centre is being created in Worcester from the remodelling of a former 1920s cinema in Angel Place.

The new Scala Theatre will host live performances, film shows, visual arts and other creative endeavours.

Worcester City Council leader Lynn Denham, together with Scala’s interim creative directors Kitty Ross and Hannah Phillips joined Speller Metcalfe managing director James Speller on site to say a temporary goodbye to the old art deco building , which is now set to disappear behind hoardings for 18 months before opening in its new form in the autumn of 2026, if all goes to plan.

 Cllr Lynn Denham said: “The vibrancy of our city centre is so important for the economy of all of Worcester, and our wider region. Our £9.68m works to the beautiful Scala building will unlock private sector investment to help bring new footfall into the city centre and support the established business community.”

James Speller said: “We're delighted to start work on the regeneration of the Scala building. As a local contractor, we understand how important the new arts and entertainment centre will be for Worcester and the surrounding community.”

Related Information

Image of the Scala Arts Centre by Burrell Foley Fischer
Image of the Scala Arts Centre by Burrell Foley Fischer

 The Scala building in Angel Place opened as a cinema in 1922. Since closing in 1973 it has been home to various functions and businesses, latterly a slot machine arcade.

The neighbouring Corn Exchange is also being regenerated as part of a second phase of the scheme and will provide food and drink facilities, and additional workshop and performance space.

The renovation of the former Scala cinema is being made possible by a share of the £17.9m grant that Worcester City Council secured from the previous government’s Future High Street Fund. Planning permission for the scheme was approved in March 2024.

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