Planning Leads
38 Dwellings
Published on 12/03/2025
Outline planning application for up to 38 dwellings with creation of new vehicular access off Standlake Road and provision of public open space with associated infrastructure and earthworks. All matters reserved except…
Location | Oxford |
Value | £4,000,000 - £4,500,000 |
Item | Description |
Type | Outline Application |
Address | Land To The South Of Standlake Road Ducklington Witney Oxfordshire OX29 7UY (map) |
Client | Victoria Land Promotion Limited, Mr Jenny Hutchings, 264 Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 7DY, 07789 980107 |
Agent | Turley, Mr Turley, 3 Joy Street, Belfast, BT2 8LE, 0118 902 2833 |