The provision of estate management services and tourist facilities.
Suppliers of Management Facilities in the UK
The ownership, operation and management of car parks and associated facilities.
ProfileThe provision of office and industrial cleaning and facilities management.
ProfileThe provision of business park services and facilities management.
ProfileProperty management and the provision of business and storage facilities.
ProfileThe provision of facilities management services. Trading commenced 1.7.99.
ProfileThe provision of facilities management, training and software services.
ProfileLand development and the operation and management of leisure facilities.
ProfileThe provision of facilities management services. Trading as 'HCS & Co.'.
ProfileThe provision and management of food service and healthcare facilities.
ProfileThe provision of archive management and document storage facilities.
ProfileThe management of sporting, recreational and entertainment facilities in Sheffield.
ProfileThe supply of nursery school facilities and the management of let properties.
ProfileThe management and provision of golfing facilities and other golf course related activities.
ProfileThe management of corporate health and fitness facilities for large corporates.
ProfileResidential and commercial property investment and the management of financial facilities.
ProfileThe provision of IT facilities management, primarily to the financial services sector.
ProfileThe management of temperature controlled warehouses with blast freezing facilities.
ProfileThe provision of secure storage facilities and record management services in the UK.
ProfileThe management and provision of golfing facilities and other golf course related activities.
ProfileRepairs, voids, planned maintenance and facilities management services.
ProfileHealth and Safety, Environment and Facilities Management and Engineering Solutions
ProfileA group engaged in the provision of golf and leisure facilities and in property management.
ProfileThe provision of accident management facilities and services through its call centre operations.
ProfilePrint and stationery facilities management and specialist manila folder manufacture.
ProfileThe provision of facilities management services to a National Health Service Trust.
ProfileThe provision of traffic management and control facilities for highway maintenance purposes.