Planning Leads
Rehabilitation Centre
Published on 03/06/2023
Demolition of building and erect two storey building to provide rehabilitation service for brain injuries (Class C2) with external amenity space, landscaping, car park, access and associated works.
Location | Blackburn |
Value | £1,000,000 - £1,500,000 |
Item | Description |
Type | Detailed Application |
Address | 198 Rossendale Road Burnley Lancashire BB11 5DE (map) |
Client | Voyage 1 Limited, Voyage Care Wall Island, Birmingham Road, Lichfield, WS14 0QP, 0800 3286091 |
Agent | Gillings Planning Ltd, Mr T Stocker, First Floor, 13 Oakmount Road, Chandler's Ford, Eastleigh, SO53 2LG, 02382 358855 |