Planning Leads
Conversion to Dwelling
Published on 17/11/2024
Conversion of 4no flats at 53 Great College Street and semi detached house at 19 Abbey Road to form a single dwelling house (Use Class C3) including replacement carport and access, infill existing access to east elevation and…
Location | Brighton |
Value | £100,000 |
Item | Description |
Type | Detailed Application |
Address | 53 Great College Street And 19 Abbey Road Brighton BN2 1HJ (map) |
Client | Ms P Newbold, Fairlee Villa, Great college street, Brighton, BN2 1HJ |
Agent | Aice Architects Ltd, Mr Biense Biense, The Old Scout Hut, Quarry Road, Tunbridge Wells, TN1 2EY, 01892 671950 |