Planning Leads
250 Dwellings
Published on 16/02/2024
Application for the reserved matters of outline permission OL/TH/16/1765 Outline application for residential development of up to 250 dwellings and alterations to the surrounding highway network, including details of Access with…
Location | Canterbury |
Value | £25,000,000 - £30,000,000 |
Item | Description |
Type | Detailed Application: Approval Of Reserved Matters |
Address | Land Adjacent To Salmestone Grange Nash Road MARGATE Kent CT9 4 (map) |
Client | Bellway Homes Limited, Mr J Goodban, 30 Tower View, Kings Hill, West Malling, ME19 4UY, 01732 879750 |
Agent | Savills Uk Ltd, Mr. Graham Wilson, 72-76 High Street, Sevenoaks, TN13 1JR, 01732 789755 |