Planning Leads
Industrial Unit and Storage Facility
Published on 08/04/2022
Outline Planning Permission (including means of access only) for B2, B8 and Class E:(g) - Employment uses of 31,846 square metres for up to 52 units and parking
Location | Doncaster |
Value | £15,000,000 - £20,000,000 |
Item | Description |
Type | Outline Application |
Address | Land At Former Blaxton Quarry Mosham Road Auckley Doncaster DN9 3JS (map) |
Client | Ernest V Waddington Ltd, Mr T Waddington, The Boat Yard, Broomville Street, Swinton, S64 8AT, 01709 580915 |
Agent | Jhv Town Planning Consultants Ltd, Mr Tom Beavin, Hound Hill, Marchington, Uttoxeter, ST14 8LN, 01283 820040 |