Planning Leads
Conversion to 3 Dwellings
Published on 19/11/2024
Conversion of existing public house (Sui Generis) to provide three terraced dwellings (Use Class C3) utilising the existing access from Oldcroft Road, including associated parking and landscaping.
Location | Gloucester |
Value | £100,000 - £200,000 |
Item | Description |
Type | Detailed Application |
Address | Nags Head Inn Oldcroft Road Yorkley Slade Lydney Gloucestershire GL15 4RX (map) |
Client | Lydney Developments Ltd, 6 St. Georges Business Centre, St. Georges Square, Portsmouth, PO1 3EY |
Agent | Cpc Planning Consultants, Miss Tivoli Chang, Clovelly Business Park, Clovelly Road, Southbourne, Emsworth, PO10 8PW, 02392 755333 |