Planning Leads
Petrol Filling Station
Published on 01/06/2023
Single-storey building, alterations to forecourt layout and associated parking, relocation of air/water and carvac facilities, landscaping and new acoustic timber fence, following demolition of sales office.
Location | Kingston Upon Thames |
Value | £100,000 |
Item | Description |
Type | Detailed Application |
Address | Petrol Filling Station 161-165 Hersham Road Hersham Walton-On-Thames Surrey KT12 5NR (map) |
Client | Harvest Energy Ltd, York House, 45 Seymour Street, London , W1H 7JT, 020 7580 0033 |
Agent | Wyeth Projects, Amberley Court, Amberley Lane, Milford, Godalming, GU8 5EB, 01483 424704 |