Planning Leads
135 Dwellings
Published on 16/01/2025
Outline planning application for up to 135 dwellings with associated landscaping, open space, drainage infrastructure and associated works (all matters reserved except access)
Location | Leicester |
Value | £15,000,000 - £20,000,000 |
Item | Description |
Type | Outline Application |
Address | Land Off Brascote Lane Brascote Lane Newbold Verdon Leicestershire LE9 9LF (map) |
Client | Richborough, Second Floor Waterloo House, 20 Waterloo Street, Birmingham, B2 5TB, 01216 334929 |
Agent | Alasdair Thorne, 1 Colmore Square, Birmingham, B4 6AA, 0115 945 3769 |