Planning Leads
75 Dwellings
Published on 27/01/2025
Development of site to provide for up to 75 dwellings with associated landscaping, open space, drainage infrastructure and associated works (outline, all matters reserved except for the principal means of vehicular access off Midland Road)
Location | Leicester |
Value | £7,500,000 - £8,000,000 |
Item | Description |
Type | Outline Application |
Address | Land West Of Midland Road Ellistown LE67 1EG (map) |
Client | Richborough & Martin John Hambleton, Mr Briony Stenhouse, Waterloo House, 20 Waterloo Street, Birmingham, B2 5TB, 01216 334929 |
Agent | Marrons, Mr Alasdair Thorne, Waterfront House, 35 Station Street, Nottingham, NG2 3DQ, 07712 427474 |