Planning Leads
Mixed Use Development ( Units)
Published on 05/01/2016
To erect 138 no. dwellinghouses, 51 no. flats and 6 no. bungalows and retail foodstore with associated parking, servicing, landscaping and ancillary works.
Location | Liverpool |
Value | £15,000,000 - £18,000,000 |
Item | Description |
Type | Detailed Application: Approval Of Reserved Matters |
Address | Land at former Walton Hospital Site Rice Lane Liverpool L9 1AE (map) |
Client | Mulbury Homes Ltd, Mr Andrew Booth, Great Oak Farm, Mag Lane, Lymm, WA13 0TF, 01925 748530 |
Agent | J L L, Mrs Bernadette Broderick, One, Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester, M1 1RG, 01612 368793 |