Planning Leads
Country Park Lodges
Published on 24/12/2022
Outline permission (all matters reserved) for new country park lodges, visitor centre, wood meadow and play area
Location | Newcastle Upon Tyne |
Value | £3,000,000 - £4,000,000 |
Item | Description |
Type | Outline Application |
Address | Land North East Of Honeysuckle Cottage Widdrington Northumberland NE61 5DA (map) |
Client | Honeysuckle Country Park, Mr John Buckland, Old Felton Lane, Widdrington, Morpeth, NE61 5DR, 07759 455997 |
Agent | Design Two, Mr Colin Wardle, Greys Yard, Morpeth, NE61 1QD, 01670 505615 |