Planning Leads
Conversion to 2 Dwellings
Published on 21/12/2024
Conversion of 2no. barns to 2no. dwellinghouses, including erection of a canopy, alterations to existing windows and installation of new windows and rooflights, pv panels on the south elevation, installation of E.V charging point…
Location | Preston |
Value | £100,000 - £200,000 |
Item | Description |
Type | Detailed Application |
Address | Lower Stanalee Farm, Stanalee Lane, Preston, PR3 2EQ (map) |
Client | Mr Paul Sanpe, Lower Stanalee Farm, Stanalee Lane, Preston, PR3 2EQ |
Agent | Pwa Planning, Mr Josh Hellawell, Unit 2, Lockside Road, Preston, PR2 2YS, 01772 369669 |