Planning Leads
5 Industrial Buildings
Published on 27/10/2023
Application for the approval of Reserved Matters (appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale) pursuant to outline planning permission 19/00786/VARS for Phase 3 of the development comprising five light industrial buildings within…
Location | Southampton |
Value | £8,500,000 - £9,000,000 |
Item | Description |
Type | Detailed Application: Approval Of Reserved Matters |
Address | Land At Adanac Park Nursling Street Nursling Hampshire SO160 (map) |
Client | Adanac Business Park Ltd, Mr Harry Hutchinson, Oceanic House, Cracknore Hard, Marchwood, Southampton, SO40 4ZD |
Agent | Boyle And Summers Ltd, Mr Tony Boyle, Canute Chambers, Canute Road, Southampton, SO14 3AB, 02380 631432 |