Planning Leads
Industrial Unit and Storage Facility
Published on 07/08/2021
The demolition of the existing office building (Use Class B1) and the erection of a 135,003 Sq Ft B1, B2 and B8 use unit with associated access and servicing arrangements, car parking, landscaping and associated works.
Location | Stockport |
Value | £6,000,000 - £6,500,000 |
Item | Description |
Type | Detailed Application |
Address | Oak Green House 13 Oak Green Stanley Green Trading Estate Cheadle Stockport SK8 6QL (map) |
Client | Cantt Pak, Mr Z Majid, 1st Floor Kensington Chambers, 46-50 Kensington Place, St Helier, JE4 0ZE |
Agent | Pin Property Consultancy, Mrs Rebecca Thompson, Dovecote House, Old Hall Road, Sale, M33 2GS, 01612 034460 |