Construction Tenders

Thu October 17 2024

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Category Services


No. of Lots 1

Status Active

Published 31st Oct 2023

Tender Details
Common Procurement VocabularyRepair and maintenance services of electricity meters
Procurement MethodOpen procedure
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Category Services


No. of Lots 1

Status Active

Published 31st Oct 2023

Tender Details
Common Procurement VocabularyRepair and maintenance services of electricity meters
Procurement MethodOpen procedure

Section I: Contracting authority

I.1) Name and addresses

Scottish Police Authority

1 Pacific Quay, 2nd Floor


G51 1DZ


stuart.newton [at]


+44 1786895668


United Kingdom

NUTS code

UKM82 - Glasgow City

Internet address(es)

Main address

Buyer's address

I.3) Communication

The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at

Additional information can be obtained from the above-mentioned address

Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted electronically via

I.4) Type of the contracting authority

Body governed by public law

I.5) Main activity

Public order and safety

Section II: Object

II.1) Scope of the procurement

II.1.1) Title

PROC 23-2229 Electricity Half Hourly Meter Operator

Reference number

PROC 23-2229

II.1.2) Main CPV code

  • 50411300 - Repair and maintenance services of electricity meters

II.1.3) Type of contract


II.1.4) Short description

The Scottish Police Authority (SPA) is seeking to appoint a suitably experienced and qualified Contractor for the provision of a Half Hourly Meter Operator (MOP) and a Data Collection/Data Aggregator (DC/DA) for their half hourly electricity supplies. This includes 00 and 05-08 profile classes.

The requested services for MOP are:-

A lease and maintenance’ model for the life of the contract. The Contractor will be required to maintain the meters and communications for all meters detailed in within the Current Portfolio and any new meters added throughout the Contract term.

An Online Data Provision to access stored half hourly data for the meters covered by the contract.

The requested services for DC/DA are:-

Data Collection: in accordance with Balancing & Settlement Code Procedure BSCP502 – “Half-Hourly Data Collection for SVA Metering Systems Registered in SMRS”; CP1182 - “Creation of a generic Party Service Line” and BSCP533 – “PARMS Data Provision, Reporting and Publication to Peer Comparison Data”

Data Aggregator: in accordance with Balancing & Settlement Code Procedure BSCP503 – “Half-Hourly Data Aggregation for SVA Metering Systems Registered in SMRS”; CP1182 - “Creation of a generic Party Service Line” and BSCP533 - “PARMS Data Provision, Reporting and Publication to Peer Comparison Data” for Data Provision

II.1.6) Information about lots

This contract is divided into lots: No

II.2) Description

II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)

  • 38554000 - Electricity meters
  • 50411300 - Repair and maintenance services of electricity meters

II.2.3) Place of performance

NUTS codes
  • UKM - Scotland
Main site or place of performance

Sites are located across all of Scotland, including Highlands and Islands.

II.2.4) Description of the procurement

The Scottish Police Authority (SPA) is seeking to appoint a suitably experienced and qualified Contractor for the provision of a Half Hourly Meter Operator (MOP) and a Data Collection/Data Aggregator (DC/DA) for their half hourly electricity supplies. This includes 00 and 05-08 profile classes.

The requested services for MOP are:-

A lease and maintenance’ model for the life of the contract. The Contractor will be required to maintain the meters and communications for all meters detailed within the Current Portfolio and any new meters added throughout the Contract term.

An Online Data Provision to access stored half hourly data for the meters covered by the contract.

The requested services for DC/DA are:-

Data Collection: in accordance with Balancing & Settlement Code Procedure BSCP502 – “Half-Hourly Data Collection for SVA Metering Systems Registered in SMRS”; CP1182 - “Creation of a generic Party Service Line” and BSCP533 – “PARMS Data Provision, Reporting and Publication to Peer Comparison Data”

Data Aggregator: in accordance with Balancing & Settlement Code Procedure BSCP503 – “Half-Hourly Data Aggregation for SVA Metering Systems Registered in SMRS”; CP1182 - “Creation of a generic Party Service Line” and BSCP533 - “PARMS Data Provision, Reporting and Publication to Peer Comparison Data” for Data Provision

II.2.5) Award criteria

Quality criterion - Name: Technical / Weighting: 30

Price - Weighting: 70

II.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system

Duration in months


This contract is subject to renewal


Description of renewals

The Contract term is for a period of five years, with the option to extend for a further five year period.

II.2.10) Information about variants

Variants will be accepted: No

II.2.11) Information about options

Options: No

II.2.13) Information about European Union Funds

The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: No

Section III. Legal, economic, financial and technical information

III.1) Conditions for participation

III.1.1) Suitability to pursue the professional activity, including requirements relating to enrolment on professional or trade registers

List and brief description of conditions

SPD Question 4A.1 Trade Registers

It is a requirement of this tender that if the Tenderer is UK based they must hold a valid registration with Companies House. Where the Tenderer is UK based but not registered at Companies House they must be able to verify to the SPA’s satisfaction that they are trading from the address provided in the tender and under the company name given.

Tenderers within the UK must confirm if they are registered under Companies House within this question.

If the Tenderer is based out-with the UK they must be enrolled in the relevant professional or trade register appropriate to their country as described in Schedule 5 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015.

SPD Question 4A.2 Authorisation/Membership

Where it is required, within a Tenderer’s country of establishment they must confirm which authorisation or memberships of the relevant organisation(s) are required in order to perform this service.

Tenderers must confirm if they hold the following authorisation or memberships

It is a mandatory requirement that Tendering Organisations are an ELEXON BSC party. Tendering Organisations are required to provide certification of membership, accreditation or SVA Qualification that allows it and its staff to operate within the Industry.

Where a Bidder does not demonstrate that it is an ELEXON BSC party, the Authority may exclude the Bidder from the competition.

III.1.2) Economic and financial standing

List and brief description of selection criteria

SPD Question 4B5 Insurance

It is a requirement of this Contract that Tenderers hold, or can commit to obtain prior to the commence of any subsequently awarded Contract, indicated below:

SPD Question 4B6 - Financial Standing:

Credit Safe:

The Authority will access a Credit safe report for a Tenderers organisation and use the information contained within to assist with the assessment of the Tenderer’s economic and financial standing. Tenders are asked to provide their company number within the SPD to allow the Authority to access a Credit Safe Report.

Minimum level(s) of standards possibly required

SPD Question 4B5 Insurances

Employers (Compulsory) Liability Insurance = 10 million GBP in respect of each claim without limit to the number of claims. Tenderers may be required to provide their current Employers Liability Insurance certificate which should include name of the insurers, policy numbers, expiry date and limits for any one incident and annual aggregate caps and the excesses under the policies.

Public Liability Insurance = 10 million GBP in respect of each claim without limit to the number of claims. Tenderers may be required to provide a copy of their current Public Liability Insurance certificate.

Product Liability Insurance = 10 million GBP in respect of each claim and in the aggregate. Tenderers may be required to provide a copy of their current Professional Indemnity Insurance certificate.

Professional Indemnity Insurance = 5 million GBP in respect of each claim without limit to the number of claims. Tenderers may be required to provide a copy of their current Professional Liability Insurance certificate.

Motor Vehicle Insurance – Minimum Third Party Motor Vehicle Liability

Documentation requested for the above insurances should include name of insurers, policy numbers, expiry date and limits of any one incident and annual aggregate caps and the excesses under the policies.

SPD Question 4B6 Financial Standing:

The Authority will access a Credit safe report for a Tenderers organisation and use the information contained within to assist with the assessment of the Tenderer’s economic and financial standing. Tenders are asked to provide their company number within the SPD to allow the Authority to access a Credit Safe Report.

Within such reports, the risk of business failure is expressed as a score of less than 30 (high risk of business failure). In the event that a company is determined to have a risk failure rating of 30 and below i.e. that the company is considered to have a high risk of business failure, the submission will not be considered further.

If you are successful in the award of this contract and your risk failure rating falls below 30 then the SPA reserve the right to remove you from this contract. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to ensure that the information held by Credit Safe is accurate and up to date.

For the avoidance of doubt, the SPA will request a report from Credit Safe following the closing date for the receipt of the Tenders to ensure that the most up to date information is used. Where you are not registered on credit safe e.g., charitable organisations or new start companies/ Sole Traders with less than 3 years trading history, discretionary powers are available to the Director of Finance to consider abbreviated accounts along with bankers references etc.

Tenderers should be aware that any outstanding County Court Judgements will have a detrimental effect on the rating held by Credit Safe and it is your responsibility to ensure that the information held by Credit Safe is accurate and up to date - failure to do so will result in rejection of your submission.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This requirement is not applicable to Sole Traders/ Charities. Sole Traders/ Charities may be required to provide a banker’s reference if successful.

III.1.3) Technical and professional ability

List and brief description of selection criteria

Tenderer`s will be required to provide evidence of having the necessary capacity and capability to deliver the requirements stated within the tender documents.

The below requirements will be requested during the tender process:

Minimum level(s) of standards possibly required

SPD Question 4C.1.2 Technical and Professional Ability

With reference to the nature and details of the supplies/services that are the subject matter of this tender, relevant examples are to be provided of the supplies/services undertaken by the Tenderer in the last 3 years and must be similar value to the contract being procured.

Tenderer`s will be required to provide evidence of having the necessary capacity and capability to deliver the requirements for the provision of the “Electricity Half Hourly Meter Operator”.

The 2 examples must be for the provision of a Half Hourly Meter Operator service including, lease and maintenance of meters, DC/DA services and the provision of an online data provision service.

Two (2) examples of the provision of similar services may be requested and must be from within the last 3 years for services.

If Tenderers are unable to provide two (2) examples the tenderer may be required to explain why examples cannot be provided.

If available, copies of completion certificates or customers' written declaration which validates the examples you have provided.


If you cannot provide certificates or customer declarations the Authority may choose to contact customers cited directly in order to validate the experience examples you have provided without any further reference to you.

III.2) Conditions related to the contract

III.2.2) Contract performance conditions

Service Levels are listed within the ITT document.

Section IV. Procedure

IV.1) Description

IV.1.1) Type of procedure

Open procedure

IV.1.8) Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)

The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: Yes

IV.2) Administrative information

IV.2.2) Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate


1 December 2023

Local time


IV.2.4) Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted


IV.2.6) Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender

Tender must be valid until: 29 May 2024

IV.2.7) Conditions for opening of tenders


1 December 2023

Local time


Section VI. Complementary information

VI.1) Information about recurrence

This is a recurrent procurement: Yes

Estimated timing for further notices to be published: Re-tender will take place 6 months prior to the initial five year termination (approx. late 2028) or if optional extension is taken, 6 months prior to year ten (approx. late 2033).

VI.2) Information about electronic workflows

Electronic ordering will be used

Electronic invoicing will be accepted

Electronic payment will be used

VI.3) Additional information

Economic Operators

Economic operators may be excluded from this competition if they are in any of the situations referred to in regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015.

SPD Question 4C.12 Quality Control Requirements

Tenderers may be required to provide the following for Quality Control requirements:


Option A) If a Tenderers organisation holds a UKAS (or equivalent) accredited independent third party certificate of compliance in accordance with

BS EN ISO 9001 (or equivalent) a copy of the certificate may be requested.


Option B) If a Tenderers organisation has a documented policy regarding quality management, a copy of the policy may be requested.


The policy should set out your organisation's responsibilities for quality management. Demonstrating that your organisation has and continues to implement a quality management policy that is authorised by the Chief Executive or equivalent and is periodically reviewed at a senior management level. The policy should be relevant to the nature and scale of the work to be undertaken and set out responsibilities for quality management throughout the organisation.

SPD Question 4D.1(2) Certificates by independent bodies about quality assurance standards

Cyber Security Requirement - It is a requirement of this Tender that Tenderers must be certified to ISO 27001 (or an equivalent Information Security Management System standard) by a UKAS accredited (or equivalent) body. Tenderers are required to confirm this and demonstrate this as part of their Technical Submission within Appendix 1. Please select Yes against question if you meet this requirement.

Assessment of Employment Status

Tenderers may be asked to declare whether they intend to provide services through a Personal Service Company (PSC). From April 2017, the responsibility to pay employment taxes shifts from the PSC to public sector bodies and the Authority must be aware of any successful tenderer’s detailed employment status.

For further information on determining employment status the Government has published guidance on this IR35 Legislation

Living Wage

Tenderers will be asked to confirm if they pay all employees as a minimum the Real Living Wage as published by the Living Wage Foundation for statistical information gathering purposes only.

Equality and Diversity

Tenderers will be required to comply with the statutory obligations under the Equality Act 2010.

Declaration of Non-Involvement in Serious Organised Crime

Tenderers must complete and sign a Declaration of Non-Involvement in Serious Organised Crime form.

Subcontractor Detail

Tenderers will be required to provide details of the subcontractors they intend to use in their supply chain. Tenderers are required to complete this section as part of the ESPD.

Data Protection

Tenderers must be aware of their obligations under the Data Protection Act 2018 and the GDPR as set out in the Contract.

The buyer is using PCS-Tender to conduct this ITT exercise. The Project code is 25423. For more information see:

Community benefits are included in this requirement. For more information see:

A summary of the expected community benefits has been provided as follows:

It has become clear that there is scope within the EU legal framework which applies to public contracts, to use contracts to deliver wider social benefits such as:

Targeted recruitment and training (providing employment and training opportunities/Apprenticeships)

SME and social enterprise development

Community engagement

As part of your response to the Quality criteria, Tenderers are requested to provide an outline of all community benefits you can offer for this contract.

(SC Ref:748895)

VI.4) Procedures for review

VI.4.1) Review body

Glasgow Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court

1 Carlton Place


G5 9DA


United Kingdom