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New B Series Cat ADT’s on the Prowl (Part Two)

Digger Blogger | 17:17, Wed May 25 2011

Continuing our look at the next generation of articulated haulers from Caterpillar, the B Series, which was the focus of last week’s press reveal in Peterlee, in the North East of England, which is the spiritual home of Cat ADT production.

At the heart of the new B Series trucks is the latest Caterpillar Tier 4 Interim/Stage IIIB certified diesel engines, featuring reduced exhaust emissions. To meet all current emission standards, Caterpillar has employed proven electronic fuel and air supply components, with a modular after treatment solution, the Clean Emissions Module (CEM) is now located on the right hand side of the truck and fits nicely inside the new wider engine hood.

This new system is said to produce 90% less particulate matter and reduce nitrous oxide emissions by as much as 50%. The system uses a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) to trap the soot. There is a necessary process for the removal of the soot, which is called “regeneration”. This can be performed “on the go”, without the need for operator intervention. Having said that, there is also a soot gauge inside the cab which allows the operator to monitor how much soot is building up in the system.

Customer and end user feedback once more indicated that there was a need to make the trucks easier to operate. It’s a common fact that many ADT operators are relatively in-experienced and as such improper use of the machines can lead to costly damage and downtime. To assist in making the operator’s job easier, the new B Series trucks are fitted with Auto Traction Control (ATC). This system is still based on the class leading differential lock system on the existing 700 series, which uses the well proven Cat wet plate multi-disc system.

One customer who used a field follow machine for evaluation commented “I don’t have to worry about buttons and switches, the machine just does it all for me.”

Indeed during my trip around Caterpillars demonstration quarry in the 735B, it was quite evident that the new transmission was very effective. I found it to be incredibly smooth as the machine powered up through the gears and also when coming down the gears on steep inclines, there were none of the sudden jolts during gear changes that are often experienced in this type of equipment.  

The 735B is powered by the C15 ACERT engine which develops 452hp (337kw) and has a heaped body capacity of 25.8 cubic yards. The 740B is powered by the C15 ACERT engine rated at an impressive 489hp (365kw) and has a heaped body capacity of 31.4 cubic yards. The 740B EJ features the same engine statistics but has a heaped load capacity of 30.2 cubic yards. 

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The demonstration team in the quarry put on a fantastic display and were clearly very proud of the latest offering from Peterlee, the machines were put through their paces on slopes varying from 15% to 35%.

The trucks were loaded by a Caterpillar 345C excavator and one of company’s wheeled loaders, before embarking on a run around the quarry and tackling various obstacles which were in place to show off the machines merits, like the series of offset humps to the right of the water splash which really show off the rear axle oscillation. At the end of the demonstration, the team proudly lined up to accept a much deserved round of applause from the assembled press. 

Check out this awesome video from Caterpillar, which gives a great overview of this exciting new product.

These latest models continue a long heritage of ADT production at Peterlee which began in 1972, when trucks were produced by DJB using Caterpillar components. In 1986 the company changed its name to Artix Ltd and in 1996 the company was bought out by Caterpillar. During this time some 30,000 trucks have been built at the facility, including this D35 model which is powered by a Cat 3306 255hp engine, and had a rated payload of 35tons. Built between1981-1983, this machine has worked in a sand and gravel quarry in Wales for the past 29 years!

I would like to thank all the staff at the Peterlee facility for the excellent hospitality I was shown during my visit. Many of them have worked at the factory for a long time and it was very interesting to hear the stories about their time with the company.


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