The design, installation and maintenance of air conditioning systems.
Companies supplying Air Conditioning to the UK
Heating, air conditioning and refrigeration consultants and engineers.
ProfileThe installation and servicing of refrigeration and air conditioning units.
ProfileThe installation and maintenance of heating and air conditioning systems.
ProfileThe supply, installation and maintenance of air conditioning systems.
ProfileThe installation and maintenance of heating and air conditioning equipment.
ProfileThe sale, installation and maintenance of air conditioning systems.
ProfileThe supply of heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment.
ProfileThe design, supply and installation of air conditioning systems.
ProfileThe supply and installation of air conditioning and ventilation equipment.
ProfileThe purchase, servicing and commissioning of air conditioning equipment.
ProfileThe supply and installation of vehicle air conditioning systems.
ProfileAir conditioning installation to commercial and residential market
ProfileSuppliers of air conditioning systems and heat pumps
ProfileThe design and installation of air conditioning, ventilation and refrigeration systems.
ProfileThe installation and maintenance of heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment.
ProfileThe supply, installation and maintenance of heating and air conditioning systems.
ProfileThe supply, installation, servicing and repair of air conditioning equipment.
ProfileThe supply, installation, service and repair of air conditioning equipment.
ProfileThe manufacture of air conditioning equipment and the fabrication of sheet metal.
ProfileThe sale, installation and servicing of air conditioning and sprinkling equipment.
ProfileThe supply, installation and maintenance of air conditioning and ventilation equipment.
ProfileThe repair of and provision of maintenance contracts for air conditioning equipment.
ProfileAgents selling air conditioning, refrigeration and humidification products.
ProfileThe supply and service of commercial refrigeration equipment and air conditioning.
ProfileThe servicing of commercial refrigeration and air conditioning. Commenced trading 1.9.05.
ProfileThe design, installation and maintenance of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment.
ProfileThe design and installation of heating, air conditioning and ventilation systems.
ProfileThe supply of heating, refrigeration, ventilation and air conditioning equipment.
ProfileA group engaged in the sale of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment.