The installation and maintenance of air conditioning, heating and ancillary systems.
Suppliers of Air Conditioning in the UK
The distribution of air conditioning equipment, chillers and related products.
ProfileThe purchase, installation, servicing and commissioning of air conditioning equipment.
ProfileThe design, sale and installation of specialised air conditioning equipment.
ProfileThe installation of commercial air conditioning, refrigeration and heating equipment.
ProfileThe design and manufacture of heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment.
ProfileThe distribution of plumbing, air conditioning and hydraulic fittings and equipment.
ProfileThe design, supply, installation and maintenance of air conditioning equipment.
ProfileThe installation and servicing of refrigeration, air conditioning plant and heating.
ProfileTelephone communication consultancy and engineering and the sale of air conditioning.
ProfileThe manufacture and supply of air conditioning, ventilation and acoustic equipment.
ProfileThe design, manufacture and supply of air conditioning equipment and systems.
Profileheating ventilation air conditioning plumbing- maintainance and installation
ProfileAir Conditioning/Ventiltion Installation, service , Repair , maintenance
ProfileAir Conditioning and Refrigeration. Design, installation, maintenance, repair
ProfileThe fabrication of sheet metal and ductwork for ventilation and air conditioning systems.
ProfileThe supply of air conditioning and ventilation solutions and project management services.
ProfileThe commission, service and maintenance of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems.
ProfileThe manufacture, marketing and distribution of heating, ventilating and air conditioning products.
ProfileThe provision of engineering expertise in the fields of heating, ventilation and air conditioning.
ProfileThe design, installation and maintenance of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems.
ProfileThe design, manufacture and sale of commercial heating and air conditioning equipment.
ProfileThe distribution of air conditioning units and provision of services to the parent undertaking.
ProfileThe supply and installation of heating, air conditioning, electrical and mechanical equipment.
ProfileThe sale of ventilation equipment, grilles and diffusers as used in air conditioning systems.
ProfileThe design, procurement, construction, commissioning and maintenance of air conditioning equipment.
ProfileA group engaged in the supply of heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment.