Planning Leads
Mixed Use Development (3 Units)
Published on 06/09/2023
Redevelopment of site involving demolition of existing building (use Class F2) and erection of a 3- storey building including basement, for community and educational uses (Use class F2), involving 2 x residential units on second…
Location | North London |
Value | £500,000 - £600,000 |
Item | Description |
Type | Detailed Application |
Address | St John Ambulance Hall 32-36 Claremont Street London N18 2RR (map) |
Client | Mr M Kiranoglu, St John Ambulance Hall, 32-36 Claremont Street, London, N18 2RR |
Agent | Turnkey Designs, Mr R Gokce, 7 Birchen Grove, London, NW9 8RT, 07941 096199 |